his son Thomas appears on Instagram alongside Anouchka, Alain Delon’s daughter! Unexpected and adorable photo

It’s Indian summer, time for an extended vacation… Thomas Dutronc, who is on the Isle of Beauty to prepare for his big tour with his illustrious father, has invited one of his friends to join him in Calvi. The latter, residing in Switzerland, has indeed offered a few days off under the Corsican sun to naturally join Thomas. Pretty reunion immortalized by a snapshot posted on the singer’s Instagram account, from the Café des Fleurs where he has his habits. The legend ? “With @anouchkadelon at my friend Tony @lecafedesfleurs in Calvi #repèredefillesetdefilsde #dutronc #delon”.

An avalanche of red hearts

And it is indeed the very beautiful Anouchka Delon who poses alongside Thomas Dutronc, beers in hand! We know that their two dads know each other very well and they themselves must have lived a special childhood, in the shadow of these two giants. So would there be something other than friendship in this image? Comments about this cute couple and red hearts are flooding the network. However, a priori, Anouchka did not come alone… she is indeed accompanied by her husband Julien Dereims, and surely by their little Lino, aged two.

A tour dedicated to Françoise Hardy

The Dutroncs and Corsica, it’s a long love story… We remember that, recently, they had received, in their typical house, the journalist Audrey Crespo-Marat for a very intimate and touching interview broadcast during the magazine “Seven to eight” on Sunday August 28th. They spoke with an open heart and full of humor and love about their tour: “Dutronc & Dutronc”, which father and son are preparing to face in the four corners of France, between the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. And then also, and of course, the serious health concerns of Françoise Hardy, suffering from laryngeal cancer and terribly diminished. Moved, the two men wanted to greet her and pay her the most beautiful tribute by dedicating this singing tour to her which makes her so happy. For now, the island of beauty is reunited between Thomas and Anoucka… And the real question remains: when a “son of” and a “daughter of” meet… do they talk about their star fathers?

See also:

Françoise Hardy: she will never see us again!

France Live

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