his son Lino soon in “TPMP”? The facilitator swings!

To this day, Cyril Hanouna is one of the emblematic figures of television. Each week, the animator makes the beautiful hours of C8 thanks to his program “Touche pas à mon poste”. Versatility, he knows well. In recent years, the main interested party has chained projects to the delight of his fanzouzes. During this presidential campaign period, the famous producer had the honor of welcoming countless candidates to his show “Face à Baba”.

Like Valérie Pécresse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon or even Eric Zemmour. A born hard worker, Cyril Hanouna does not lack ambition. However, as soon as he has a moment off, the presenter eases up to take advantage of his own. In the city, Kelly Vedovelli’s sidekick is the proud father of two children named Lino and Bianca. His younger brother has made notable appearances on the set of “TPMP” several times.

“I feel he has the trick”

Facing the camera, the latter conquered the crowds with his essential punchlines. “ He comes very often (in C’est que du kiff, NDLR) and then in the pub, he takes the microphone, he does little shows. Anyway, he wants to become an animator I think. For now, that’s what he wants to do, he’s all in, but he’s good.” confessed Cyril Hanouna not without pride at the microphone of Air Zen Radio.“He’s very funny, I feel like he’s got the thing […] He comes out of the valves that at his age, I would not have left. He winks at everyone, he’s funny, but he’s very nice.”

In a sequence, the star of the PAF has also made some secrets about the education of his offspring. “Me, I’m a bit of their friend. We don’t let go. We’re together all the time, all the time on the phone and it’s true that I’m more of a friend than a father, but I have the impression that it works well. They tell me more things, I have the impression that they manage to confide well”he revealed before evoking their mother named Emilie: “Their mom is extraordinary. She does both. She has the authority, but she is also very good friends with them and it is thanks to her, as she frames them well, that I can have even more fun with them. […] I think they are happy.”


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