his son, Anthony, arrested in possession of an automatic pistol… everything you need to know!

It is a series of dramas which ended up pushing Anthony Delon to take up the pen. “In August 2020, I went to Tuscany with my mother who had been diagnosed with fatal pancreatic cancer. Fourteen months earlier, my father suffered a stroke. In previous years, my godfather, Georges Beaume (star agent), my godmother, Loulou, and Mireille Darc had died. All these events meant that during my vacation in Italy, I felt the need to tell these memories and to pay tribute to those who were my guides”he explains to Parisian.

If he affirms that this work is that of “the better man”Anthony Delon, however, remains marked by a life punctuated by escapades, such as the day he was put behind bars after being arrested in possession of an automatic pistol.

“There was in me a very strong desire for life and a desire for death which came to overlap. We all need to ‘kill’ our parents symbolically: this bullshit, it was perhaps a way of doing things in the life, what my dad was doing on screen. But when I got out of jail, I was like, ‘You’ve got better things to do'”he recalled.

See also: Anthony Delon: the terrible announcement of the disappearance of his mother following an illness…


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