It is the imaginary diary of the mother of Antonin Artaud, French writer, poet, actor and man of the theater who died in 1948. Euphrasie Artaud has a devouring love for her genius of son Antonin, a misunderstood artist dependent on laudanum (a mixture of ‘opium) who suffered numerous electric shocks, and who was interned in asylums and mental hospitals for many years of his life.
With this sixth novel, Justine Lévy leaves the autofiction of her previous books (The appointment, Nothing serious, Bad girl) to put herself in the shoes of this possessive mother, rejected by her son, but who tries to understand his madness and to save him. A mother who helplessly witnesses his descent into hell. “Is there anything more dreadful for a mother than not being able to soothe the pain of her little one?” I do not believe. It is the worst punishment in the world. I would have liked so much to take a little from him. Or at least understand it, ”writes the author. Justine Lévy signs a poignant text. A book that makes you think about motherhood, the role of mother, and which asks this question: as a mother, are we ready for anything for our child?

His son
Justine Levy
Stock editions
192 pages