his “sister” suffers from cancer, on Instagram, the comedian calls on everyone for help …

While four days ago, Gad Elmaleh made an appointment with his entire community for his big tour. Indeed, his sixth show Moreover is played all over France and will be set up at the Dôme de Paris in February 2022. Obviously, his fans are eager to find the 50-year-old artist on stage, especially in this period shaken by the health crisis.

Between two stories on Instagram, he had an important message to convey. “Friends, we are wholeheartedly with Sister Fouzia”, he began. The latter unfortunately suffers from cancer. “I just had Toto (a famous Moroccan singer, editor’s note) in Morocco, everyone is mobilizing to help him”, continued the father of Noah and Raphael. “I send him strength, love,” he concluded in a message aimed at raising funds.

Note that the actor will soon be on television on Canal + since he will be the surprise guest at the closing gala of the Montreux Comedy Festival, broadcast on December 28. The 32nd edition of the famous comedy festival took place from December 1 to 7, 2021.

The plagiarism controversy

This Friday, December 17, Gad Elmaleh gave an interview to Parisian in which he looks back on his professional career but also on the accusations of plagiarism to which he was the subject in 2019 by the Youtube channel CopyComic. “It’s really behind me. And it saved me time on the people I hang out with”, had indicated one of the most popular humorists in France. “The cliché you know where your friends are when you go through something, well it’s true. I also learned to forgive. Forgive yourself, forgive those who knocked you out. We all took advantage, me first , of a news to make a good word. After, to forgive that does not mean to be reconciled. There are friends, directors, comedians, people that I do not see any more. And it is not serious”.

A bad for a good finally …

See also: “Forgive those who knocked you out …” Dropped by his friends after being accused of plagiarism, Gad Elmaleh makes poignant confidences


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