his shocking remarks, after having condemned the president’s slippage!

She will be in Bouches-du-Rhône and Vaucluse this Thursday to talk about security, and the LR presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse does not mince her words on the subject. In a recent interview with the Provence, she opted for colorful language and a shocking formula that we owe to a certain Nicolas Sarkozy, dating from 2005, during a visit to La Courneuve.

“I’m going to bring the Kärcher out of the cellar

Valérie Pécresse announced: “I’ll take the Kärcher out of the cellar. It’s been ten years and now is the time to use it. It’s about putting the streets in order” and “clean the quarters ” because “we no longer give an answer to the violence of the new barbarians”. To achieve this, she wants to put in place: “punching brigades, including digital means, the tax authorities, but also the army, in order to secure the areas of intervention “, she says.

Words that will surely shock this week after those of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, who assured the Parisian that he wanted to “piss off the unvaccinated.” A very familiar vocabulary that the Head of State has also borrowed from a former president, Georges Pompidou.

“Insult is never the solution

About this slip, Valérie Pécresse had also condemned: “The words of the President of the Republic are unworthy. Insult is never the solution. We need to repair the country, not to fracture it. To bring the French together, not to divide them, to love them not to destroy them. insult”.

>> See also: Valérie Pécresse opposes Gims


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