His shattering comments about the hosts who show a whole different face behind the scenes

January 10, 2022 will be released in cinemas Love is better than life, a film announced as the last of Claude Lelouch. In the cast, we find Robert Hossein, Elsa Zylberstein or even Kev Adams as well as Ary Abittan. The comedian and comedian has been making headlines in recent months because of a court case over rape charges.

And since the outbreak of this affair, the star has been discreet …

Next month, he will celebrate his 48th birthday. The opportunity to come back to his shattering remarks made in 2018. So on tour with his show My story, he had accepted the invitation of Jade and Éric Dussart on RTL in the show We are remaking the TV.

The journalist had challenged his guest on a subject they had raised off the air during the advertising cut. “We were talking with Ary Abittan about this weird thing about hosts who don’t speak during the break”, he had said. “I do not take it personally at all, but it is true that there are animators who always need to have a microphone to speak”, had told the actor. “And sometimes nothing happens, he doesn’t even look at you anymore. It feels weird. It doesn’t happen very often but I understand that people are a lot more comfortable once they’re there. ‘Antenna. So much the better, it shows that it is their real job. “

In addition to Claude Lelouch’s latest project, Ary Abittan is expected, in 2022, in the third part of What did we do to the good Lord by Philippe de Chauveron. A comedy which has contributed to its notoriety and in which we will find a five-star cast: Christian Clavier, Chantal Lauby, Alice David, Medi Sadoun, Frédérique Bel, Frédéric Chau, Noom Diawara or even Élodie Fontan.

See also: Excluded Video: It-girl of the day in Cannes: Elodie Fontan from the team of the film “What did we do to the good god”!


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