his sensational revelation live on the radio

She leaves the scarf to take on a new role. If nothing is done yet, Diane Leyre could well experience an even more beautiful year 2023 than the one that has just passed. However, 2022 has set the bar high by electing the most beautiful young woman in France. But wouldn’t becoming a mother be even more beautiful than representing your country for a whole year? There is a match, of course, but it is clear that the majority of women dream of becoming mothers and would be ready to put aside a Miss France scarf to take on the most beautiful role of a lifetime.

Something that could therefore happen for Diane Leyre, according to her statement live on the airwaves of Virgin Radiorecently become European 2 during the holidays, a few hours ago. While a clairvoyant was invited in the morning, the ex-beauty queen took the opportunity to speak with her in private and it seems that she did well.

Diane Leyre soon to be a mother?

Questioned on the subject by Guillaume Genton, the one who would have jumped on Alexia Laroche-Joubert made a strange confidence. “She told me that 2023 was going to be a pivotal period in terms of project preparations, that’s why I don’t have time for love. She thinks there is someone around me who is present, but it is not the right person”she confided to the facilitator a bit surprised.

But his surprise was even greater when Diane Leyre announced to him that she was going to become a mother. At least, according to the fortune teller. Indeed, this one let him know that a few months after his meeting with “the Spaniard”, she would take on the most beautiful role of his life: “In 2024, I will meet a Spaniard who will be in the audiovisual sector. Having lived in Madrid, I tell myself that maybe there will be something. And she told me I’m having twins”.

See also: “It’s dirty…he’s going too far!” : Diane Leyre (Miss France 2022) atomizes Tayc and her excesses during her concerts


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