his secret for eternal youth!

Last May, Diam’s was unanimous on the Croisette for the 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. Years after saying goodbye to the media scene, the interpreter of the title “Young Demoiselle” came back in force with a documentary called “Salam”. A project through which the former rap star wanted to ” go back on (his) footsteps and take the viewer on a journey “. ” Dive back into my memories and bring them back to life with my pen and the camera. To find my memory in the places that marked me, to find the people who brought me so much and who helped me to build myself… “, explained Mélanie Georgiades, of her real name, on the social networks.

“I do not deny my past”

A way for her to tackle difficult subjects such as depression and her desire to end it. From now on, Diam’s claims to be at peace with itself. ” I do not deny my past, I am even aware that this is what makes me who I am today. If I am in front of you with this veil and I agree to talk about my quest or a journey, it is, I also think, because I was Diam’s, because people knew me, because that people have known part of the story. I think that the people who really loved me, they detected suffering, already at the time “, she confided to Augustin Trapenard for Brut.

Serene, the artist now devotes herself to other projects. After leaving France in 2017, the young woman settled in Saudi Arabia where she launched her agency Hégire Voyages. The goal ? ” Offer to [ses] brothers and sisters the possibility of coming to do Umrah in the best conditions, in complete confidence and in complete serenity “. She also runs her Big Up foundation, which finances an orphanage in Mali as well as meal distributions in Morocco. Projects thanks to which she feels fulfilled.


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