his “season too many” and choice of production, he settles his accounts with “Dancing with the stars”

No twelfth candle blown between Dance with the stars and Maxime Dereymez. Indeed, emblematic dancer of the program of TF1, and winner of the second season alongside Shy’m, he did not return for one more season. He was also not the only one since the production decided to make a new look within its team of dancers. In fact, Denitsa Ikonomova, Christian Millette, or even Coralie Licata were also thanked. But in the end, was it really a choice of the production, or of the dancers themselves? Maxime Dereymez gave precisely the answer.

Invited to Jordan de Luxe, the dancer wanted to make things clear. “It was not me who made the decision. It was the production that made this choice”, he lets go straight away. A decision on the part of the production that he had a lot of trouble digesting at the start. But now things have changed. He assures that today “it does not matter” and even insisted on “thank” for everything the team Dance with the stars had brought him.

Maxime Dereymez, finally not resentful towards Dance with the stars

“You have to know how to move on after eleven seasons. To evolve you have to get out of your comfort zone”, he admits facing Jordan de Luxe. And anyway, this moment was going to happen one day or another. Especially since the choice to bow out of the tele-hook of TF1 him “has been running around in my head for a few years”.

According to the winner of the second season of Dance with the starsIt was “two years” that he “hesitated”. “Not because I don’t like the program, because it put me forward, it’s a superb show. I’m proud and happy to have been part of it. Except that after eleven years, it you have to know how to change”, he later admitted. The one who settled his accounts with the jury a few weeks ago now seems appeased and happy with this choice. Especially since for him, season 11 was the season “too much” :I think it was one season too many for me. I showed up in conditions that weren’t necessarily idyllic. I think I should have forfeited. It gave me an image that was not good.”

See also: “Dancing with the stars”: his wife ousted from the next season, this flagship dancer threatens to slam the door!


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