“His round trips to two tons of CO2, his excessive consumption of fashion clothes”, Marion Cotillard atomized on a famous radio station!

“What is happening in our country is extremely serious”lamented this Sunday, Marion Cotillard, in a long message published on her Instagram account.

The actress was thus reacting to the dissolution on Wednesday in the Council of Ministers by Gérald Darmanin, of the collective of Earth Uprisings.

The French star, Oscar winner for The kid in 2008, and companion of the director Guillaume Canet, has since faced violent criticism.

“I wonder if we haven’t lost him definitively”also dropped this Monday, Alba Ventura, on RTL, in its daily column. “What is problematic is her text. A violent charge against the government and the police in which she questions where the real violence is and who the real criminals are. In the process, she also attacks the large companies and banks, accomplices, according to her, of climatic disasters and deaths in the world (…) What is good with Marion Cotillard is her sense of nuance. often to Los Angeles, where she bought a house, or New York, than she did to Tehran, Caracas or Moscow.”

The journalist then discusses the “slippages” of the star like “His round trips precisely, between Paris and the west coast of the United States at two tons of CO2, his excessive consumption of fashion clothes…” and assures him that his approach is “counterproductive” : “That she is outraged by a political decision, it is her right, but the way of saying it is insane on her part (…) As François Gemenne, the researcher in geopolitics and ecology, says, ‘the stars should stop lecturing on ecology, they are doing him more harm than anything else'”.

Guy Carlier also seizes the subject

Also this Monday morning, Guy Carlier in turn reframed Marion Cotillard and mocked her commitment: “I wonder where she was when she made that statement? On the deck of a 100 million yacht that consumes 500 liters of fuel an hour?”he launched on South Radio. As you will have understood, this will indeed be the controversial subject of the week!


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