his relations with his family degraded because of “Koh-Lanta”? The host makes rare confidences

Only two months after the final of Koh-Lanta All-Stars, and the controversies linked to this last season, a new edition will be launched on February 22 on TF1 entitled “Koh-Lanta and Le Totem Maudit”. As for many years, Denis Brogniart will once again be in charge and will accompany the new candidates for approximately forty days. “Approximately” because the period, for the host, would actually last longer.

In any case, this is what he confided to the microphone of Pascal Nègre, on RFM. “A show is 40 days. So filming lasts 40 days for us […] I arrive five days before and leave four days later. Overall, it’s 50 days”, he explained to the journalist. But during these famous 50 days, Denis Brogniart obviously does not return to France. He sees himself forced to stay on the filming location and therefore cannot hug his wife and children in his arms… Does this harm his relationship with them? Once again, he brought the answer to the microphone of our colleagues. And according to his words, no one would suffer from the situation.

As a reminder, the facilitator and Hortense are parents of three children: the twins, Violette and Lili, 14 years old and Blanche, 12 years old. The host of “Koh-Lanta” also having a 19-year-old boy, Dimitri, the fruit of his previous union. “My children were born, I was already doing Koh-Lanta”he confided to Pascal Nègre before indicating that the kilometers that separate him from his family do not prevent him from contacting them and hearing from them. “In Polynesia, we had a twelve-hour time difference. I had my breakfast, and they had dinner. We have a camera at home with a wide angle, which allows the whole family to eat together”. Of course, this does not replace physical contact. However, it is better to have a video exchange and to have news than to have none for almost two months.

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