Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the Snes-FSU teachers’ union, denounces on franceinfo the comments of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Minister of National Education, to justify the schooling of her children in the private sector. The minister assured Saturday January 13 that she “regrets” having “could have hurt certain public education teachers”. Insufficient words according to Sophie Vénétitay.
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“These are statements which are very weak and this is not what will remove her label as Minister of Private Education and the Olympic Games because she uses words which are not up to par”castigates Saturday January 13 on franceinfo, Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the teachers’ union Snes-FSU, after the regrets of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Minister of National Education, Youth, Sports and the Olympic Games and Paralympics.
The minister, just appointed, caused controversy by justifying on Friday January 12 her decision to transfer her children to the private sector by her “frustration” in front “packages of hours” teaching staff not replaced during teacher absences from public schools. This Saturday in a statement sent to AFP, she said “to regret” having “could have injured certain public education teachers”.
“She says she’s sorry but she doesn’t apologize.”
Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the Snes-FSU teachers’ unionfranceinfo
His words are not enough to calm the teachers according to Sophie Vénétitay. “There is this very revealing formulation, it speaks of having injured certain teachers, but what has come to us since yesterday is that very many colleagues in public education, a very large majority, have been injured by these words”assures the general secretary of Snes-FSU.
“I was in class on Saturday morning and at recess, in the teachers’ room, we only talked about that and comparing many of our colleagues Amélie Oudéa-Castéra to Jean-Michel Blanquer. In terms of provocation. This are comparisons that do not bode very well for the future.”she adds. “This reveals the extent of the anger” And “this wording suggests that she has not fully understood the extent of the anger that these remarks have aroused. Even if these remarks were whispered by Matignon and the Elysée, it will take much more than words, it will take acts”says Sophie Vénétitay.