“His problem is that he farts!” : trapped in the gas of Gérard Depardieu, a balance actress

The emotions, the gestures, the smells … she remembers everything, as if it were yesterday! In 1989, Josiane Balasko signed for one of the most significant roles of her career: that of Colette Chevassu, in the film Too beautiful for you by Bertrand Blier. And precisely, on December 7, 2021, the actress found her very dear colleague, Carole Bouquet, to whom she gave the reply at the time, on the set of the show C to You on France 5. The perfect opportunity to evoke memories, even the most unpleasant.

As soon as they got in the elevator, when I was with them they would block and they would drop

It must be said that the hero of the feature film was Gérard Depardieu. And the actor is not known to have his tongue in his pocket. Neither that nor anything else. “He is very kind and very respectful, underlined Josiane Balasko. Gérard’s only problem is that he farts. It must be said, he farts. They had gags, with Bertrand Blier. As soon as they got in the elevator, when I was with them, they blocked and they dropped. Like 5th grade kids. In these cases, you have to remain stoic.. “

Gérard Depardieu, aka Pétarou

It’s no secret that Julie Depardieu’s father has invasive digestion. Nicknamed “Petard” Where “Petarou“by members of his family, the actor had already escaped, more than reason, on the set of Fahim, by Pierre-François Martin-Laval, in 2019. “He began to act like a jerk, to fart, explained the director, a former member of the Robins des bois troupe. Me, that made me happy, but the people on the team were a little shocked. I told him that we were shooting a pivotal scene, after which his character and Fahim became accomplices. And it worked: when Assad Ahmed saw him fooling around, he looked at him like a friend!“A real wind of happiness, this Gérard Depardieu …

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