his partner of ten years agreed to break the silence

Stéphane Plaza is at the heart of a dark affair. On September 21, Mediapart published an investigation in which three of his former companions of the famous real estate agent claimed to have been victims of both physical and psychological violence on the part of the man on TV. Allegations that the person concerned vigorously rejects. His lawyer, Hélène Plumet, argued that most of these accusations come from women with whom the M6 ​​star had been in a relationship, and who, following breakups, seem to have united with the aim of tarnishing his reputation.

In response, Karine Le Marchand’s associate chose to file a complaint in turn. According to his lawyer, “Their maneuvers took on such proportions that they forced Mr. Plaza to file a criminal complaint for harassment and cyberharassment in June of this year. The facts are serious enough for Mr. Plaza to fear for his life, as he indicated to the public prosecutor.

Also see: “If he finds out that I spoke to you, I fear for my life”: Stéphane Plaza at the heart of a new investigation

Karine Le Marchand finally breaks the silence

Faced with the scandal, Stéphane Plaza was still able to count on the support of those close to him, in particular that of Karine Le Marchand. For the one who animates Love is in the meadow,
the women would have united against his faithful sidekick. “They got together, showered him with insults. And they were right, what he did was wrong. Then, every time he appeared on social networks, they sent him hate messages. He told me: ‘they want to harm me. I’m afraid’,” told the godmother of farmers in the columns of Paris Match before relaying a speech given by Stéphane Plaza : “He explained to me that he had in fact argued with Jade. It was a couple’s argument. And it was quite violent. According to him, she raised her hands in front of her and he pushed her to leave. He says it was an accident. I wasn’t with them at the time, so I don’t know what happened. On the other hand, I’m surprised. After what she describes as an attack, she stayed with him for another six months. And she continued, for several months, to work with the man she considers to be her executioner?

On the other hand, she remains convinced that the real estate agent is not a violent man. “Ultimately, he’s a boor, a cad. But I’ve never seen him violent, rarely angry,” she said before continuing: “He’s more the type to sulk in his corner. Afterwards, I’ve never been in a relationship with him, I don’t know how he behaves with his mistresses.”

Stéphane Plaza’s partner gives him her support

Besides Karine Le Marchand, a woman who presents herself as the “companion” by Stéphane Plaza “for ten years” also testified. “I give all my support to Stéphane”, she declared during her interview with our colleagues. And to conclude: “He is not violent and never has been.” Great support.


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