his outrage after an Israeli bombardment that killed a 5-year-old girl in Gaza revives the controversy over his party’s alleged anti-Semitism

On Twitterwe can read on the account of the ex-columnist of We are not in bed : “Israel has once again bombarded a residential area of ​​Gaza and killed several civilians, including a 5-year-old child. This is unacceptable. We must remain mobilized for the rights of the Palestinian people”.

Now a Nupes deputy for the 18th district of Paris, Aymeric Caron has never hidden his pro-Palestinian opinions: we remember his passes of arms on the set of ONPC, with Alexandre Arcady or even BHL… This will have earned him, in some media, to be accused of anti-Semite. What he has always defended.

However, on August 4, a session of questions to the government turned into a fight. LR MP Meyer Habib, close to former Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, got angry with the “new anti-Semitism” of the “Islamo-leftists”, “especially on the left of this hemicycle”. Referring to a motion for a resolution on Israel, he castigated a “filthy resolution of 37 Nupe deputies”illustrating according to him a “hatred of Jews and Israel”. The left-wing elected officials decided to leave the hemicycle following the intervention of the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupont-Moretti, who attacked him at all extremes.

Following Aymeric Caron’s message, in support or in reaction, the comments are going well… on this conflict which seems insoluble and which divides our own political planet.

See also: “Your two-ball jokes”, “you are not invited to my birthday”: Valérie Pécresse attacks Bertrand Chameroy in “C à Vous”


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