“His opponents are fighting each other while waiting for him to step into the ring”, the “war of nerves” at Emmanuel Macron’s campaign headquarters

The outgoing president, still not officially a candidate for the presidential election, is playing for time. While waiting for the official announcement, his supporters are trying to manage the war of nerves.

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When will he say it? Despite many clues about a candidacy, 50 days before the first round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron is still not a declared candidate for re-election. If rumors are rife for an announcement at the end of February, in any case, the head of state will have to break his silence before March 4 and the deadline for submitting applications.

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In the meantime, his supporters are trying to manage the war of nerves. As at campaign HQ, at 68, rue du Rocher, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, where it grinds empty. The teams train on putative scenarios, situations, well aware that the shock is approaching, but unable to say when exactly.

At the end of February, the official agenda of the President is, for the moment, light. “But where are the advantages of not waiting any longer?“, wonders his entourage, while “his opponents are always fighting each other waiting for him to step into the ring“, says a pillar of the majority.

Waiting for the week of February 28 implies managing to remain president throughout the visit of the Salon de l’Agriculture on Saturday 26. “But he would then be the only one not to go there as a candidate“, worries an old friend. “Unless he declares himself there“, say some. “It would be symbolic but it would lack solemnity“, phosphorize others.

In the meantime, there remain the 500,000 new leaflets to be sold to occupy the land. Delegate General Stanislas Guerini himself has planned to go door to door in his neighborhood, before a big meeting at campaign headquarters on Monday evening, with all the components of the majority and a large part of the government.

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