his only suitor Corinne denounces his behavior

Corinne, chosen almost out of spite, will unfortunately pay the price for Olivier’s choice. Indeed, between the farmer and his suitor of Love is in the meadowthe relationship does not seem to be in good shape, judging by the few images published by the X account of M6 a few hours ago during the episode broadcast this Monday, October 30, 2023. These images show us Corinne desperately trying to attract the attention of the sheep breeder from New Aquitaine.

Her first attempt is to talk to him about the weather, explaining how she was going to dress due to the bad weather predicted for the day. Unfortunately, this approach fails, because Olivier seems totally disinterested, as shown in the images broadcast. “He arrived, he barely looked at me. He acted like I didn’t exist. I feel invisible”, laments Corinne in the show hosted by Karine Le Marchand. Even when she signals that breakfast is ready, the farmer pays no attention to her, arguing that he has to take an important phone call.

Also see: “Sell the house, keep the money”, Justine (L’amour est dans le pré) badly tackled by Maria!

Nothing is going well between Corinne and Olivier

“He got a call and I feel like I don’t exist or I’ve been married for 30 years”continues the pretender of Love is in the meadowstill disappointed, before adding: “Olivier makes no effort, he only thinks of himself”. This situation does not seem to be the result of chance. Indeed, the blogger Aqababe revealed on October 2 that Olivier chose Corinne almost by default after his other suitor, Laurine, refused to go to his farm.

“Laurine, one of Olivier’s suitors, did not come to the farm, claiming a family problem. In reality, she gave up the show to show Olivier her sincerity. Living only 2 km from one of the ‘other, they saw each other and talked to each other in secret during filming’, said the blogger. He also clarified that Corinne “learned about this during filming, and she left him half a day before the end”. Furthermore, still according to Aqababe, “Olivier is currently trying to make up with Corinne (but she doesn’t want him)”. However, for the moment, Olivier’s attitude does not suggest that he is making any efforts in this direction.


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