his new life in Patagonia

Inès Reg would she have decided to change her life? The 31-year-old comedian, revealed in 2019 by a video that quickly went viral in which she asks her beloved “When are you going to put glitter in my life?”, went to live far from France for a few weeks. As she announced to her two million subscribers on Instagram, the young woman is currently in Patagonia, where she is enjoying moments of well-being, in the company of her friends. The young lady notably took a hike in the heart of the glaciers, numerous in this region of South America so dear to singer Florent Pagny. The Perito Moreno Glacier is one of the largest glaciers in Latin America, and is located in the heart of Patagonia.

To climb this glacier, Inès Reg and her friend didn’t seem really equipped as it was necessary, but the two women nevertheless succeeded: “Yeah, our backpacks are glitter bananas and inside is the Dobble game, a lip gloss and chips yeah that’s true, but we still managed” the young woman boasted. In communion with the surrounding and refreshing nature, Inès Reg seems happier than ever and even announced that this excursion allowed her of “take stock” about the life she leads in Franceand on this great career that she began in 2013 by joining the Jamel Comedy Club.

“From high school to Patagonia”, there is only one step

Inès Reg seems to have gone one-on-one with her friend, whom she has been seeing for many years, as she revealed in another of her stories: the two best friends have been dating since high school, since they were happy for keeping in touch, “from high school in 91 to Patagonia”. Indeed, Inès Reg studied at the Félix-Esclangon college in Viry-Châtillon, then at the Jean-Baptiste-Corot high school in Savigny-sur-Orge. After obtaining her baccalaureate, the young woman began studying law with the idea of ​​becoming a lawyer, but began a course at Cours Florent, which quickly made her understand the profession of her dreams…

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