his moving tribute to the 29-year-old influencer who died after liposuction

A few hours before dying of a cardiac arrest in the middle of a cosmetic surgery operation, Luanda Andrade was still interacting with her fans on Instagram… The reality TV star, little known in France, was a real star in Brazil, known to everyone. The footballer Neymar was one of her first fans, and followed her. On social networks, the international footballer reacted to the brutal death of the 29-year-old young woman, who died during a simple, seemingly benign liposuction. In the story, the man wanted to pay tribute to his friend, soberly, while having a moving thought for his loved ones: “Sad day, with two very bad news. (…) My condolences to the whole family, may God welcome Luana with open arms”.

According to various corroborating media, Luana Andrade went on Monday November 6, 2023 to a hospital in Sao Paulo for a trivial cosmetic surgery procedure. It was not the first that Luana had indulged in, but unfortunately, everything did not go as planned… After two hours of intervention, the heart of the young woman of 29 years showed some alarming signs, leading the medical team to urgently resuscitate her. Victim of massive thrombosisthe young woman did not die during the operation, and was admitted to intensive care for several hours.

She died on Tuesday morning

Despite powerful hemodynamic treatmentLuana Andrade did not wake up… A few months before celebrating her 30th birthday, the Brazilian, who was followed by more than 500,000 fans on Instagram, died on Tuesday November 7 in the morning. Many reality TV stars perform liposuction, a seemingly benign cosmetic surgery procedure. In 2021, Ayem Nour, victim of weight gain and fatophobic attacks linked to it, revealed in an interview that he was increasingly considering the use of liposuction.

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