his moving confessions about his difficult childhood… “I felt different”

This Thursday, November 3, 2022, viewers of the sixth channel will be able to find Éric Antoine in the show: Lego Masters. Once again, the candidates still in the running will have to surpass themselves with their creations to hope to go further in the competition. As usual, the presenter of the show will entertain the gallery! He is also very proud to present this thundering program.

“When I found out that M6 had bought this format, I didn’t even give them time to offer it to me, I immediately showed up” confessed Éric Antoine for TV 7 days.“Before it went on air, I said, ‘If this show doesn’t work, I’ll stop hosting.’ I believed so much in this television object, its values ​​of sharing, surpassing oneself and humanity.

With his piquant humor, the host has become essential in the media. In addition to its incredible punchlines, its large size leaves no one indifferent: 2.07 m all the same! To date, Éric Antoine is perfectly comfortable in his sneakers… But that hasn’t always been the case. As a child, the main interested party suffered enormously from this difference with his classmates. To make matters worse, they have not always been kind to him!

“I have always been a giant”

“I never had the right to be a child. I have always been a giant. I felt different,” confessed the star in the columns of Tele-Leisure last year. After having long “dragged that weight”, Éric Antoine has learned to accept himself as he is! And obviously, his two boys Ulysse and Raphaël (born from his past relationship with Calista Sinclair editor’s note) have also inherited his large size. “They are both giants”he pointed out.

Obviously, the comedian would have liked that not to be the case. Projections with one and the other are inevitable: “I see this same suffering vis-à-vis its size. I also feel this loneliness that can arise from a different form of mind. I recognize myself in him! “. As a true father hen, Éric Antoine has a very close relationship with his sons. On a daily basis, they closely follow what he does on TV: “They already have professional eyes. They come backstage. One of them even asks me to teach him tricks”indicated the magician who wishes above all their “passing on his passion” and “inculcate in them the notion of work”. Successful bet !


to see also: “It’s the end of my career …”: This shocking announcement by Eric Antoine before the broadcast of “Who can beat us?” on M6!

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