his meeting with Tarek Boudali and Philippe Lacheau makes him uncomfortable

The Fifi Gang is back! This Wednesday October 25, 2023 the brand new film by Tarek Boudali is released in theaters, 3 days maxsequel to his film 30 days max released eighteen months earlier, and in which he still opposite Philippe Lacheau, Julien Arruti, Vanessa Guide, José Garcia, Philippe Duquesne and Marie-Anne Chazel. Philippe Lacheau’s companion Elodie Fontan, absent during the first opus, arrives in the role of a secret service inspector, alongside Jean-Yves Berteloot. Also expected in the casting are big names in French cinema such as Michèle Laroque, Rossy de Palma, Chantal LadesouReem Kherici and Franck Gastambide.

In a portrait that he granted to Mouloud Achour for Click on Canal+, Tarek Boudali looks back on his triumphant career, which took a 180-degree turn to the success ofBaby sittingwhich no one believed in 2014. The film, which revealed the Fifi Gang to the general public, attracted 2.3 million spectators in theaters, surprising the industry: “No one wanted it, and I can understand that. We weren’t known and this scenario was a bit of a UFO. We’re not used to reading that in France, in comedy. We don’t blame anyone, it’s the game confides the actor who was also popularized on television by the M6 ​​humorous short-com With family.

His parents sacrificed themselves to give him the best

In this interview, Tarek Boudali looks back on his improbable meeting with two international footballers: David Beckham and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The two men were able to realize with astonishment the hidden talents of the actor, which we could also see in Marry me buddy, Alibi.com And Superhero in spite of himself : “I played the dinosaur with Beckham and I also stood in line with Zlatan Ibrahimovic”laughs the Franco-Moroccan forty-year-old. The 43-year-old actor wanted to pay tribute to his parents, who sacrificed themselves to give him the best by leaving their native lands for French soil: “When my parents come from Morocco, they do it for their children too. They say to themselves: We are going to give our children a future. So they have made a lot of sacrifices” he confides with emotion. Let’s bet that his new film will be a success, a few months after the box officeAlibi.com 2 !

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