His lunar and scandalous comments on foie gras unleash the web, he reacts!

The end of the year celebrations are fast approaching, and so is the time to take stock. Often, the end of the year is the right time for new resolutions, changes … in short, the time to take stock of your personal situation and your real needs. This is also what Julien Courbet did.

In a world where organic farming and veganism make us think more, the host of M6 has also questioned his way of consuming. And especially with regard to foie gras. And since each reflection leads to a conclusion, the latter decided to stop eating foie gras during the holidays. And the rest of the year.

It is on his Twitter account that Julien Courbet decided to share the news with Internet users: “I don’t invite anyone to do like me, I share certain lifestyle choices on my account. I have decided that I will no longer eat foie gras, I actually can’t do it anymore, and selfishly I also think about my health and fitness. Everyone does what they want“, while specifying that his decision was in no way an example to follow, or a form of incentive to no longer consume foie gras at parties, but simply a personal decision. But on Twitter, Internet users are still ready to pounce when a subject displeases them.

Forced to defend himself in comments to explain his choice, the host clarified that he was not vegan, but that it was a simple choice, “Do not be in bad faith, re-read the tweet where I say that everyone does what they want. I never said not to eat it. Swallow foie gras if you want, I don’t eat it anymore, that’s all. But you pretend you don’t understand“. Really annoyed by the comments of Internet users, Julien Courbet then took a radical decision which made his fans laugh:”Be careful, I’m going to block 3 or 4 random haters morons. If you are in the lot I’m sorry, but suddenly playing the lotto you are obviously lucky in the draw!“. And… Merry Christmas!

To see also:

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