his love at first sight for Vianney, Frédéric Lopez as matchmaker!

Around a brunch or seated on straw bales, all the guests ofSunday in the countryside play the game of intimate confessions. And this March 19, 2023 was no exception. On the bill, the singer Vianney first of all, who has been writing songs since childhood, but who has taken a long time to find his place. And it was in sewing that he found the recognition he was missing! For this weekend like no other, he came with his guitar, but also with his creative tools to introduce his host and the other guests to a customization session. Alexis Michalik, then. A gifted theater where he excels as an actor, author, director and director. His piece Edmund had a triumph! And behind all his characters hides an anxious being, workaholic to exhaustion. Michele Torr, finally. The singer who has accompanied us for 60 years to the rhythm of her great popular hits who, despite her 35 million records sold, almost lost everything! A nice skewer of guests cooked as he is used to by a Frédéric Lopez always very eager for confidences.

“The man touched me deeply. He’s a real guy”

But who would have believed it? Michèle Torr literally fell under the spell of Vianney! And that, the animator had surely not planned! As soon as the issue of France 2 recorded, the singer, in full promotion for her show at the Folies Bergères and the release of a box set of all of her songs, has been invited many times. And each time, she talked about Vianney! Example ? On March 2, invited to the studios of Radio J, Christophe’s ex confessed spontaneously: “Vianney, I would love for him to write me a song” and to explain that she had just made his acquaintance: “I met him recently. We shot together A Sunday in the countryside. I already had a lot of admiration for the songwriter, the singer, that we know. But the man touched me deeply. He’s a real guy. His family is so important. He is also a believer. He seduced mecompletely”, she continued, obviously completely under the spell. If the interpreter oftake me dancing tonight didn’t dare ask him to write her a title, she confessed that they had sung together on the piano… “I haven’t finished yet, but…”, she ended up confessing…


See also: Vianney and Calogero: why do they find themselves at the heart of a huge controversy with Jenifer?

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