his long-time companion, Tahar Rahim, makes a very sad announcement!

He was a member of the jury of this year’s Marrakech International Film Festival (from November 11 to 19), and strong from his career in the United States (he will soon be starring in the next Ridley Scott “Napoleon”), Tahar Rahim was interviewed by the cinema bible, variety – and in English !

“I need some downtime”

Our colleagues explain that the French actor of Algerian origin had an impeccable American accent (which we had already heard in Kevin Macdonald’s film, “The Mauritanian“). He confided in his future projects (“I have a few things I can’t talk about yet”, he says) but also on his private life. Married to the actress, Leïla Bekhti (who was also on the red carpet of the Marrakech International Film Festival, but who hardly ever appears with him), they have 3 children together.

And explain about them “I’m shooting in two months. But I need some downtime. I have my kids and my wife. I’m off for work a lot. I’m restless. That’s how I was built “. And if he is a workaholic, Tahar Rahim congratulates himself on his successes, and his efforts which ended up paying off, explaining: “If my son asks me for something, I can give it to him”.

>> See also: Leila Bekhti publishes a file photo of Tahar Rahim: stars and hilarious Internet users

It was not an easy task to arrive at his place, he also says. A few days earlier, still at the same festival, Tahar Rahim told other journalists that he could not afford to go to the cinema growing up, coming from a modest family of nine children. variety indeed reports:There was, anyway, no one like him on screen, a Franco-Algerian actor..

“France has changed

Having become this symbol on the screen, he confesses with a smile that he “get used” quite well to his notoriety in the Arab world. About his country of origin, however, he explains: “France has changed“, he said. And to add: “I grew up in a suburb where we were all together. French, Egyptians, Gypsies. You were going to the other. Drink tea. Discuss. The conversations you had. It built me. Borders are just an imaginary line to discover that a new culture is rich”.


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