his latest Instagram post troubles his loved ones and fans

The news had the effect of a bomb all over the world: the star of Friends Matthew Perry found dead in his home this Saturday October 28, 2023, and more precisely in his jacuzzi. The American media suggest a probable drowning of the actor who was 54 years old, but for the moment, no autopsy has confirmed this hypothesis. However, investigators indicated that they were ruling out the criminal possibility, and stressed that no drugs had been found around the body. Very quickly, the news spread like wildfire, and many stars who worked with the actor paid him beautiful tributes across the Web. This is the case of Selma Blair, who said: “We all loved Matthew Perry, and I especially loved him. Every day. I loved him unconditionally. And he loved me. And I’m devastated. I’m heartbroken. Sweet dreams Matthew.” ; or Shannen Doherty : “His legacy will continue to live in the hearts of so many people. We send our love to his family, loved ones, and all his devoted fans“.

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeauwho knew Matthew Perry well when they were children, also tweeted to pay tribute to his elementary school friend: “The passing of Matthew Perry is sad and heartbreaking. I will never forget our schoolyard games, and I know that people around the world will not forget the joy you brought them. Thank you for all the laughter, Matthew. You were loved, and you will be missed.” On Instagram, thousands of comments are pouring in on the final photograph posted by the deceased, less than six days ago. A cliché that many fans mourned described as premonitory, since it is a photo of the actor in his jacuzziin the middle of the night…

Swirling water for eternity

“Oh, so hot swirling water does you good? I’m Mattman.”enthused the actor, who appeared more satisfied than ever by the hot vapors of his jacuzzi, facing a dizzying and panoramic nocturnal bay. Many commentators have highlighted this tragic destiny: “We all lost a friend today”, “So much laughter on earth that you have created, thank you”, “Thank you for the smiles you gave us when we needed them” three of them commented…

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