His last name gave him difficulties at the start of his career …

Wednesday 24 November, France 2 broadcast the film Until the Guard directed by Xavier Legrand in 2019. A feature film that received four Césars, including those for best film and best actress, won by Léa Drucker. A consecration for the 49-year-old actress who has been immersed in the world of the 7th art for more than 30 years. But the beginnings were not easy for the niece of Michel Drucker, who never thought of using his surname to succeed. “The first ten years were very difficult and insecure. I was getting roles, but nothing stable. There was this confusion with my last name, like it opened doors for me. not at all the case. And besides, I would have hated to be retained for false reasons “, she said three years ago to our colleagues from Paris Match. “An actress needs a bit of mystery. And when your name is Drucker, it doesn’t help. You are given a way of life, a childhood that you didn’t necessarily have.”

While embarking on the theater, Marie Drucker’s cousin thought of changing her name by taking the pseudo of Léa Thomas. An idea that ultimately did not last in his mind. “I understood that this idea was ridiculous, and that nothing would stop me from doing what I wanted. ”

And she was right because today she is one of the most coveted actresses of French cinema. Léa Drucker will be showing six films in 2022: Goodbye Paris by Edouard Baer, Little Solange by Axelle Ropert, The World of Yesterday Diastema, Incredible but true by Quentin Dupieux, Women of the square by Julien Rambaldi (who is his companion and father of his daughter Martha, editor’s note) and, Colors of the fire by Clovis Cornillac.

See also: Excluded Video: Radiant Léa Drucker unveils her 8-month-old baby-bump for the “Nuits en Or 2014”!


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