his last encrypted message on Instagram which means a lot!

Forfeited even before the start of the World Cup due to an injury, Karim Benzema had to leave his partners and Qatar, leaving the supporters of the French team stunned by this terrible news!

If many have noticed the silence of the striker who will celebrate his 35th birthday on December 19, since his departure, he had broken the silence following the battle won by his teammates against England in the quarter-finals . “Come on guys, 2 more games, we’re almost there… behind you… Vamonos #allezlesbleus”, he had written.

Words of encouragement that gave way to other more enigmatic ones. On the evening of Friday, December 16, KB9 posted a selfie with the caption: “It does not interest me”. But what is he talking about?

An answer perhaps to those who wonder about his presence or not in the spans of the Lusail stadium, lair of the ultimate opposition between French and Argentinians. Real Madrid, his club, authorized him to move but the Spanish media indicated that the striker would have no intention of going to encourage the Habs.

Meanwhile, what does Didier Deschamps think?

“Are you spreading the word among foreign journalists?”, first replied the coach at a press conference. “If I don’t answer, it’s because I’m angry. I have players who have been injured before, Karim is one of them too. You know the 24 players, ask me questions about his players there, it’s awkward to say the least, to say the least. I don’t deal with invitations, injured players or former players, we had a group at the start and we’ve lost 3 since, Nkunku, Karim and Lucas Hernandez. These are circumstances and that’s how it is. I smile just in case…”.

You will understand, only the ground counts!

See also: Olivier Giroud in a relationship with Jennifer: you will never guess where the French team striker met his partner

Etienne-Hadrien Feyrandrier

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