his juicy and very lucrative business ensured thanks to… the gifts won on the show!

Champions, there have been many over the years in the 12 strokes of noon. But Stéphane seems to be heading for a new record as he impresses with his culture and his ease in answering the most difficult questions posed by Jean-Luc Reichmann. Thanks to his talent, this worker won his fourth Mysterious Star on Tuesday 15 November. This allows him to garner, since his first participation, a pretty kitty which amounts to 368,647 euros, including 152,897 euros in gifts.

A colossal sum that allows him to see it coming. But what does he do with all his gifts? Because if some serve him on a daily basis, or to please his family, others “take up space” and are of no use to him. Exactly, with our colleagues from Tele-Leisurethe champion of 12 strokes of noon, become “friend” with Jean-Luc Reichmann, indicated what he did with all his presents.

Money on top of all his winnings

“It’s true that it takes space to store (he laughs). Fortunately, I have a large parking lot to put the carsfirst quipped the worker who had become the darling of his factory who, thanks to his participation in the game of TF1, became the owner of four new vehicles. Much more than he would have hoped for and more importantly, almost of no use. But Stéphane is lucid: I don’t worry, a car is easily resalable”.

On the other hand, for what does not interest him, the one who was cropped by Jean-Luc Reichmann gives everything related to computers and game consoles to my children. It makes them happy.” And when his children, his friends, or his family are not interested in the gifts he offers them, the candidate of Jean-Luc Reichmann’s show has found a very lucrative solution: I also sell a lot of things to friends, family or colleagues. This allows him to make a significant additional ticket.

See also: Jean-Luc Reichamnn upset: This tender message addressed to his deceased mother for a very special occasion


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