his interview with Laurent Mariotte turns sour

Since 2008, Laurent Mariotte has been at the head of an express culinary column called “Little dishes in balance” on TF1. The culinary journalist also hosts the show “La table des bon vivants” on Europe 1, broadcast every Saturday. In addition to all this, Laurent Mariotte is also the author of several recipe books, without forgetting some product placements with brands, always linked to cooking.

Last October, he nevertheless wanted to clarify his status as an influencer. “I have perhaps made two partnerships so far, generally as part of the show on TF1.” he recalled before adding: “But I refuse a lot of partnerships. Because I am a gastronomic journalist, I am not an influencer. Sometimes people call me “you don’t want to talk about 15-day oil on your networks? No, my job is to test products and talk about them with my group on the radio above all”.

This Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Laurent Mariotte was the guest of Willy Rovelli for an interview on France Bleu. Reached by telephone, the culinary journalist was unfortunately unable to make his visit because he was the victim of a simultaneous theft. “Hello and thank you for being with us my dear Laurent, you have just released a new book which will please all the quiches in the kitchen! You are going to have your feet kissed by a lot of people because it is really the book that ‘we need…” launched the host, referring to the work “I cook with 3 ingredients for next to nothing”. “You promise us that with three ingredients we can make a starter, a main course, a dessert…”.

And Laurent Mariotte confirms: “Absolutely, that’s really it…” he said before stammering: “No, no wait what… I’m sorry, I’m on a train and my suitcase is being stolen!”.

Stunned, Willy Rovelli then retorted: “Well then, don’t give in Laurent! What is this story? Leave the suitcase with Laurent Mariotte!”.


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