his important message to the “youth of France and Algeria”

He has been in Algeria since last Thursday, August 25, and for 3 days. Emmanuel Macron, whose wife, Brigitte, was seen this week at the Angoulême Festival, left to meet President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

His strong message in Algeria

Welcomed in Algiers, on the airport tarmac, the Head of State wants “refound” the links with his counterpart and “friend”. On August 26, he tweeted in Arabic: “By our common past, by our shared present and by all future challenges, Algeria is an essential country for France. Strengthen and renew our partnership, we owe it to the youth of France, to the youth of Algeria“.

In a joint statement, made with the Algerian President, Emmanuel Macron also mentioned the “common past“of both countries, “complex, painful” and announced historic news. As a reminder, in 2017, during a previous trip there, at the time of his (first) presidential campaign, candidate Macron had described colonization as a “crime against humanity”, creating an uproar on the right. He then estimated: “Colonization is part of French history (…). It is part of this past that we must face up to while also presenting our apologies to those towards whom we have committed these acts”.

>> See also: Emmanuel Macron rolls out the red carpet for the President of the United Arab Emirates and Brigitte pulls out all the stops, her wonderfully mind-blowing dress!

On August 25, he announced the creation of a mixed commission of historians to study the archives on colonization and the war in Algeria. And to detail that she will be interested in “the whole of this historical period (…) from the beginning of colonization to the war of liberation, without taboo“.

The president often tweets in a foreign language

This is not the first time that the French president has tweeted in a foreign language. Only a few days ago, on August 24, he wrote to the Ukrainian people a “message of friendship”in the name of France”, on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine. On August 15, Emmanuel Macron also wrote in Hindi: Dear Indians, Happy Independence Day! As you proudly celebrate India’s prodigious achievements over the past 75 years, you can be sure that France will always be by your side.”.


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