his heavy revelation about his breakup with Tony Parker

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker have formed an ultra glamorous couple who have been dreaming all over the world for several years. After starting dating in 2004, the two stars got engaged two years later before saying ‘yes’ on July 7, 2007 in Paris. But in 2010, to everyone’s surprise, Tony Parker and actress Eva Longoria divorced. Rumors of infidelity had shaken the couple and precipitated their separation.

On the CNN set, the 47-year-old actress popularized by her role as Gabrielle Solis in the series Desperate Housewives had come back to this separation which had made her suffer. “It was heartbreaking… This is the first time I’ve spoken about this, I’m sorry. It was disappointing because I had an identity, I was Mrs. Parker and a wife. And when that’s taken away from you, you think, ‘Who am I?’ It was hard ! He’s not a bad person. He wanted something else and I can’t hate him for it… (…) I will never speak publicly about what happened, the reasons for our divorce, because I love ! And we still talk to each other, we are still part of our respective lives.“, she had related.

The actress, who has since found love with the Mexican businessman José Baston, confided frankly on the reasons for the failures of her past relationships, the one with Tony Parker in mind. “I think jealousy takes up such a huge amount of energy. I remember being so jealous it felt like my stomach was upside down. It’s the worst feeling. Why would anyone want to- does he feel this sensation? she revealed more than ten years after this high-profile story that has probably not finished talking.

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