his half more divided than ever!

A lovely blended family! At 69, Louis Bertignac is the proud father of three children: two daughters Lola (2004) and Lili (2007) born from his past relationship with Julie Delafosse. The arrival of his son Jack in 2016, the fruit of his love affair with Laetitia, also filled him with happiness. However, his birth was a nightmare for the musician and his better half. Indeed, the main interested party had to undergo an emergency cesarean section.

Being born prematurely, the boy was separated from his parents throughout his care. “I wasn’t in Louis’s head at that moment, but he must have been so lost: Jack hospitalized, and me who was going back to the room… for internal bleeding. My son, I wanted him. He’s everything for me. And besides, it’s my big fight!”, entrusted Laetitia Bertignac to our colleagues from “Joornal” in 2021.

On a daily basis, Louis Bertignac enjoys pampering his clan. After stepping away from the spotlight, the ex-coach of “The Voice” has just signed his big comeback with a new opus called “In the movie of my life”. While he promotes this work, the interpreter of “In the rain” spoke at length with the teams of “Closer”. During this exchange, Louis Bertignac spoke about his brilliant career, but also certain aspects of his private life… Even the most intimate.

see also:

“I will be there until the end…”

Crazy in love with his companion, Louis Bertignac took the opportunity to make a nice statement: She has always been more mature than me, despite the thirty-four year difference between us. From the start, I felt something very strong: his love. My friends told me: never change it, it’s the right one”.

With her personality, Laetitia Bertignac was able to seduce everyone around her. “She had been able to persuade them, before I realized it myself, that I was the guy she wanted. She never made me jealous, since I know that I am the only one she wants in his life”, added the guitarist not without pride. Although he still has energy to spare, Louis Bertignac remains aware of his age. As for his last wishes, he obviously thought about it: and he would like to die in his wife’s arms.

“I wish I could love her until the end of my life. That she is still there at this moment. I saw my mother die, Laetitia holding her hand. And she looked happy. I would like to leave under these conditions”, confessed Louis Bertignac. A wish that continues to haunt the mother of her son. “We never talk about it, it worries me so much. In my eyes, it’s not for now,” she slipped before adding: “I push back and never think about it. But yes, of course, I will be there until the end”.


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