his greatest fear after the discovery of his disease!

This is very bad news announced by Julie Pietri last February. At 67, the famous singer revealed that she had endometrial cancer, which she underwent surgery in March. Recently interviewed by the magazine Gala, the performer of the title Eve get up gave herself up on the cursed day when the doctors told her the worst. Victim of bleeding for several years, the diagnosis was brutal for the star. “It was not normal. I did a hysteroscopy, an examination of the uterus under general anesthesia. Eight days later, the surgeon gave me the results of the analyses”, she explained.

In shock, Julie Pietri expected the worst, however. To avoid “all risk of metastases”, the latter therefore underwent an ablation of the uterus. Unfortunately, the operation did not go as planned. “When I woke up, I didn’t have pain like after an operation. The surgeon joined me in my room and explained that he had not carried out the ablation because he suspected that the cancer had spread to the peritoneum. He took my hand with great humanity and talked about six months of chemotherapy. I could already see myself without hair, with my life at a standstill… My world was falling apart”.

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Julie Petri soon back on stage

Relieved, Julie Pietri indicates having celebrated the fact of not having “peritoneal cancer” with his doctor. However, the emotion was still there. The day before the hysterectomy, rescheduled for March 7, for the first time, I collapsed. I cried all day, all I hadn’t cried for two months. Three general anaesthetics, announcements all over the place… I felt like an emotional punching bag.”

To this day, the singer remains positive. “My latest analyzes show that there is nothing left. But, for safety, we are going to do six days of radiotherapy in April”. And to conclude: “The surgeon assured him: I will be able to go back on stage in June”. A news that should delight his fans.


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