his friendship with Olena Zelenska, the wife of the Ukrainian president compromised? His gesture to put her out of danger revealed

Since the end of February, Ukraine has been living a real nightmare because of the Russian invasion. But out of the question for its president to leave the country. Friends since their first meeting in 2019, Brigitte Macron could not remain without reaction to what Olena Zelenska is going through alongside her husband.

After the United for Ukraine evening and the concert given at the Maison de la Radio, Olena Zelenska did not hesitate to send a nice message in French on Instagram to Sebastian’s mother on March 10.

“She was among the first to send us her words of support. The First Lady of France, Brigitte Macron. And these were not just words, but actions too, a real support from a friend (…) We we feel that you are by our side! (…) Thanks to the support of the First Lady of France and the Ministry of Solidarity and Health of France, the Ukrainian children who need hospitalization and who are in the places those most affected by the aggression, will now continue to be treated in France” she said.

This Tuesday, March 15, 2022, Brigitte Macron and Jean-Michel Blanquer welcomed Ukrainian children and their mothers to Epinay sur Seine. On this occasion, the one who had to cut short her ski vacation gave news of the Ukrainian First Lady for whom she is very worried.

“I communicate in writing. Because I don’t want to put her in danger. Her essential, permanent concern is the children. Knowing a little about how they arrive, under what conditions and what we do” she revealed at the microphone of our colleagues from BFM-TV.

As regards the Ukrainian children taken in by the French, Emmanuel Macron’s wife added on the verge of tears: “They are very grateful. They also told us, because they are in contact with their families, about what is happening there, which is abominable”. The latter will be housed near their new school and will benefit from a tablet to follow courses in Ukrainian in order to be better integrated.

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