his ex-wife Maïwenn speaks!

It’s probably the last episode of a long judicial soap opera that has lasted for more than five years. This Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the Court of Cassation has definitively dismissed the accusations of rape by actress Sand Van Roy against filmmaker Luc Besson, AFP announced.

As a reminder, on May 18, 2018, the 35-year-old Belgian-Dutch actress had filed a complaint in Paris following a meeting with the director in a hotel room located in the VIII arrondissement of the capital, while a month later , she had denounced other rapes and sexual assaults committed according to her words during two years of a “relationship of professional influence” with Luc Besson.

A pronounced dismissal on which Me Thierry Marembert, the filmmaker’s lawyer has already spoken: “This decision confirms the dismissal in favor of Luc Besson and confirms all the decisions of the last five years which have found him not guilty. It therefore puts a definitive end to this procedure initiated in 2018, during which Luc Besson was systematically cleared by all the magistrates who examined the case. As a lawyer, I congratulate myself for this exemplary procedure, which has allowed the manifestation of the truth which is that Luc Besson is innocent”.

A dismissal confirmed on appeal which has already made the complainant react: “the Court of Cassation has decided not to accept my appeal, which once again results in the French courts refusing to examine the evidence in the file. I am continuing the proceedings in progress and I am going to seize the European Court human rights ” she tweeted.

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Maïwenn reacts in turn

Via her Twitter account, in the process, Maiwenn posted a snapshot of the director accompanied by the following caption : “Luc Besson – The appeal in cassation was refused. » A relief for the one who was married from 1992 to 1996 with the director who is also the father of her 30-year-old daughter Shanna.

And for good reason, as part of the investigation, Maiwenn had been heard by the investigators: On June 15, 2020, I was summoned to the judicial police. I ask them if I have to go there, I prefer to stay out of it, but they tell me it’s obligatory, so I go. (…) The superintendent asked me to recount my whole life with Luc: the encounter, the family dispute, the intimacy, the sexual relations… We had to recount everything, describe everything. I didn’t hide anything. nothing rounded. My testimony lasted from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Without a break. I come out washed up. I don’t know if Lue is going to read my testimony, I don’t tell him anything, and he has the courtesy not to ask me any questions. Neither does my daughter », she said during her interview with the JDD a few days ago.


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