his doctor fears the worst!

If she had the good days of M6

for years, Kareen Guiock-Thuram

almost never appeared on the air again. Indeed, the partner of the ex-footballer Lilian Thuram, who still returned to the sixth channel to replace Xavier de Moulins in a new version of 66 Minuteswent through a very complicated period four years ago.

In the columns of Closer

, in an issue to be published this Friday, September 22, 2023, the journalist, who devoted herself to music for several months, revealed that she almost died during a seemingly banal operation. With our colleagues, Kareen Guiock-Thuram gave some details about this difficult moment.

Also see: “I’m coming out”: big announcement for this M6 journalist who surprises Xavier Desmoulins live

Kareen Guiock-Thuram, a miracle?

“I was operated on for a very ordinary procedure”she confided initially, before letting go: “And I almost died.” It was when she woke up that she almost passed through to the other side, according to her. And perhaps without the doctor’s motivation, she would no longer be in this world today: “I understood it when, feeling myself leaving as I woke up, a doctor told me, ‘Fight, ma’am'”.

For her, the doctor’s words meant only one thing: “It meant they had done everything they could and it was up to me to fight.”. In the end, Lilian Thuram’s companion was able to find the courage to fight and overcome the death that awaited her closely. “This experience haunted me for months. Falling asleep became very complicated”, she continued. Today, she calls herself lucky. Furthermore, this terrible event allowed him to no longer “to fear” from death and enjoy life to the fullest. One of the reasons that pushed her to devote herself to her passion in addition to journalism.


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