his direct question by discovering his consumption!

For several years, Faustine Bollaert has been in charge of “It starts today” on the second channel. Facing the camera, the companion of Maxime Chattam takes pleasure in exchanging with his guests who have come to share their story on a very specific theme. The subjects are varied: dramas, atypical career paths, complicated love stories… Each testimony keeps its loyal viewers spellbound.

In addition, professionals are also on hand to provide valuable advice on the air. In the media and on the Web, Faustine Bollaert’s benevolence towards the speakers is constantly praised. “I was blown away by her. I thought she would read her questions on a teleprompter. Not at all”, revealed the journalist Thomas de Bergeyck for “Ciné Télé Revue”.

Obviously, the host is constantly very caring with her interlocutors. Making them feel comfortable is her top priority. “She doesn’t have a teleprompter. The first question is a plug and then it’s freestyle. She knows exactly where she’s going. She’s amazing,” added the principal concerned. And to emphasize: “She is completely with you. She really listens to you, she does not have her eyes in the void. It is even destabilizing because she looks at you as if you were the most important person in the world […]”.

see also:

“Maybe I’m going to ask the angry question…”

This Wednesday, April 12, 2023, Faustine Bollaert wanted to talk about the hell of drugs in the professional world. Thus, she gave the floor to Mickael who for five years has completely sunk because of his addiction. To cope with the pressure at work, the latter frequently took cocaine: “I was actually using it in events where I needed to perform […]. In the early afternoon, as soon as I started to get a kick out of it, I started snorting my first rails of coke.”

“And who supplied you? It costs a fortune…”, then added the happy mother of two children taken aback by her confidences. “So it was in my professional commercial environment. The big difficulty for me was that I had access to the product for free. What Faustine Bollaert replied very shocked: “But how come you had free access to the product? […]”

And to add: “I may be going to ask the angry question… But wasn’t it the custom? […]. Everyone closes their eyes limits that this society, we let the drugs slip away? And after for the performance of each employee consumed those who wanted. For his part, Mickael clarified that it was more order “cultural” : “Rather a form of education. It was more like ‘I’m making you available because I don’t consider you, because I want you to be addicted or to buy product […]”. “That’s crazy…” blew Faustine Bollaert. Fortunately, this dark period is now behind its guest of the day!


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