his decision to make the numbers soar!

“It’s a good situation, scribe?”. If this question of Panoramix to Otis will give rise to one of the most famous tirades of French cinema, it could again experience phenomenal success in a few days. Indeed, Alain Chabat is releasing a new version of his famous “Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”. A feature film in which the comedian plays, as well as Jamel Debbouze, Édouard Baer, ​​Monica Bellucci, or even Gérard Darmon. An XXL cast that returns to the screens on July 5, 2023.

Indeed, a 4K version, with its Dolby Atmos, will be offered in cinemas on July 5, 2023. A new version that will bring back fans from the start, especially since Alain Chabat took an incredible decision that will delight everyone as revealed by Pierre Lescure on the set of “C to You” this Wednesday, June 14.

See also: Guillaume Canet defends American cinema and lands one of the greatest roles of his life!

Alain Chabat has set the price of the cinema ticket for the return of “Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”, and you will not believe it

“Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra was released 21 and a half years ago”recalled the former president of the Cannes Film Festival before specifying that “14.5 million French people” went to dark rooms, at the time, to discover one of the greatest comedies of French cinema. During his column, the 77-year-old journalist exclusively unveiled the brand new trailer concocted by Alain Chabat.

Trailer in which the director made a huge announcement: “Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra is 5 euros per seat, even after the cinema festival”. This is not an April Fool’s joke. Viewers will indeed be able to return to see one of their favorite comedies in a brand new version, and for “only” 5 euros. At this price, Alain Chabat seems to be determined to beat the figures of the version released on January 30, 2002 and overshadow Guillaume Canet and his “Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom”.


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