The affair had been sewn with white thread for some time… On Elsa Leeb’s Instagram account, we could already read this sweet message several months ago: “Your radiant smile in these photos is up to your crazy and such wonderful ambitions. You’re not afraid to step out of your comfort zone, to challenge yourself every day, so please keep dreaming hard all the time… Gaia and I are so proud of you! On the other hand, come back quickly now, it’s starting to take a long time anyway”, she wrote, in the caption of a series of photos of her lover who left to conquer the lands of the North. And, today, it’s in a new adventure that the couple, already parents of a little girl, has embarked on: that of marriage!

“Thank you Allan Asle, thank you life”
The youngest of actor Michel Leeb, after Fanny and the handsome Tom, has indeed just married in complete intimacy with his beloved companion, who also happens to be an actor known to unconditional fans of the series “The Mysteries of Love. ”. In this romantic saga, Allan Asle, whose real name is Allan Duboux, played Eric Fava. But we also saw him in “Plus belle la vie”, in 2015, in the role of Bryan, enemy of Mélanie. It is quite naturally on his Story Instagram that the couple shares this new happiness that they decided after having founded a family, less than a year ago, by welcoming their first baby. On her account, the young mother was thrilled: “On October 8, 2021 at 5:15 a.m., I understood what it was like to have the most beautiful encounter of your life. My Gaia, you overwhelm me, give me confidence, soothe me, amaze me already so much. You were born of an absolutely wonderful and indescribable love with Allan Asle that changed my life. You count on us to share it with you every second. Thank you Allan Asle, thank you life”, she wrote in the caption of a photo of her little girl who will soon be one year old. And Tom, the big brother, and especially Michel, the happy grandfather, have since then never stopped sharing on their respective Instagram accounts, the images of this little Gaïa, the great happiness and the new generation of their beautiful family.
France Live
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