his dad Ghassam shows up on his radio

Nearly four weeks after the assault led by Hamas, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to be debated regularly in the media.

A terrible war which is not without consequences for the border countries. While the Egyptian government has said it is preparing to welcome up to “7,000” foreigners on Thursday, November 2, 2023, in Lebanon, tension is rising a few hours before the speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, this Friday, at 2 p.m. Exchanges of fire have in fact intensified at the border… And it is precisely in this particular context that Ghassan Salamé, former Lebanese Minister of Culture, responded to the invitation of France Inter.

Léa Salamé’s father was indeed invited to L8:20 a.m. guest this Friday, November 3, 2023. The opportunity for the professor of international relations at Sciences Po Paris to comment on this conflict.

“The barbarity in the combat is what marks me. The barbarity of the first day committed by Hamas, and the barbarity that we see continued in the response of the Israeli army. This barbarity, we had it seen in other conflicts, but not in this one. There are about 55 active conflicts in the world and not one with the same symbolic charge in the world.” he said in particular in front of Ali Baddou (his daughter being on leave during the All Saints’ Day holidays).

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A previous invitation in 2019

As a reminder, this is not the first time that the political scientist and UN special envoy to Libya is invited on the airwaves of France Interradio where his daughter has been at the helm of the morning show since 2017.

In April 2019, the diplomat commented on the unstable Libyan political landscape eight years after the death of Muammar Gaddafi. A stint on air during which he did not answer his daughter’s questions. And for good reason, in April and May 2019, the latter was replaced because her companion Raphaël Glucksmann was a candidate in the 2019 European elections.


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