his confidences on the companion of Jean-Pascal Lacoste which will surprise you…

They are sisters, but very rarely talk about their relationship. And when they do, everything suggests that they would not be the closest in the world. Indeed, between Sylvie Tellier and Delphine, love is present, of course, but the agreement would not be cordial. However, the companion of Jean-Pascal Lacoste is not the type to break sugar on the back of his “sister”, quite the contrary.

Except in December 2021, when she had deplored the fact that there was no “relationship” between them. “There is nothing to say because there is no relationship”had dropped Delphine before her companion went one better in The luxury moment last November: “Frankly, we are getting married on June 25, 2022 with Delphine, we will send her the announcement. If she comes and everything is fine, it is with great pleasure. don’t have to like each other, but at least we will have seen each other”. But when the former boss of the Miss France Committee is knocked out by Internet users, the one who became a mother a few weeks ago does not hesitate to defend her.

No birth message

“I find you very sympathetic unlike one of your sisters who is very haughty”, had launched a follower of Delphine Tellier, referring to Sylvie. If he expected a scathing response from his sister, or the fact that she approved of his remarks, it was missed. In fact, she replied that “despite what is happening between us, it’s an image. In truth, it’s not like that”.

“Like that” or not, it seems that the two have not heard from each other since the birth of Jean-Pascal Lacoste and Delphine Tellier’s baby. Proof of this is with Sylvie Tellier’s response this Friday, August 12, when she responded to a user on Instagram who asked her if she was her sister. “She’s the daughter my father had with his second wife. My parents divorced when I was only 11 […] I was raised by an extra mom with my two sisters Anne-Sophie and Stéphanie”she confided at first before revealing: “I wish Delphine a lot of happiness because I read in the press that she had a little girl a few months ago..

See also: Sylvie Tellier facing cancer: after the changes announced at Miss France, she makes a terrible announcement…


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