his concert turns into confidences about his state of health

Madonna is back on stage, and in great shape, after a health problem which could well have cost her dearly… After launching her “Celebration Tour” on October 14 in London, Madonna left her bags in Belgium. She was in Antwerp this weekend, and spoke to her fans about the bacterial infection which caused her to be hospitalized in intensive care for several days last June.

“It’s a fucking miracle that I’m here right now.”

She, who was found unconscious at her home in New York, recalled: “Less than four months ago, I was in the hospital, unconscious and people were thinking, predicting that I might not make it. It’s a fucking miracle that I’m here Right now”.

And added, very moved: “My mother, God bless her, she has to watch over me, she said: ‘Daughter, it’s not your time to go.’ Madonna lost her mother, Madonna Louise Fortin, of French-Canadian origin, at the age of 5 in 1963. The star’s mother died at the age of 30 from cancer. of the breast.

To conclude, she shared, overwhelmed: “I had this strange thought. Suddenly I had sympathy for my mother, not for the dying part, but for the loneliness she must have felt in the hospital, knowing that she wasn’t going to live. I was given another chance, so I’m very grateful.”

“She also believes she is invincible.”

As a reminder, it was an injection of Narcan, a medication used in emergency situations such as for respiratory distress, which saved Madonna at the beginning of the summer. According to a member of his family, cited by the Daily Mail : for 2 daysbear “No one really knew which way it was going to go, and her family was preparing for the worst. We all thought we were going to lose her. It really woke her up. She didn’t live as healthy a life as she did. she should be for her age, and she’s exhausted herself over the last two months. Madonna thinks she’s still young when in fact she’s not. She also believes she’s invincible “.


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