his children who study in the United States will have no other choice but to live in France

This Saturday, November 18, 2023, Patrick Bruel was Nathalie Renoux’s guest in The Unexpected Journal broadcast on RTL. After realizing his dream of giving the timetable at the start of the show, the 64-year-old artist spoke at length about his love for France. I was born in Algeria, I lived in Paris and I believe that the center of my world was the happy medium: Provence.he explained with a smile on his lips.

A lover of this region, the interpreter of Place of great men even bought an estate in L’Isle-sur-Sorgue, at the gates of the Luberon, in Vaucluse. A place of peace for Léon and Oscar’s father who has a deep passion for olive trees and refined local products. “When I started making olive oil, I had no gastronomic ambition. It was for my personal consumption, because I have always loved this product, a symbol of peace and pillar of Mediterranean culture After hearing that my oil was exceptional, in 2015, I decided to rethink everything: until then, we had let nature take its course without working or asking questions, I wanted to to invest myself in producing the Zidane of olive oil, and, according to what certain great chefs like Alain Ducasse and Guy Savoy tell me, the result is not bad…”, he confided in the columns of Paris Match in 2019.

Also see: Patrick Bruel reveals the existence of a WhatsApp group for Enfoirés: the artists made an urgent decision!

“These are their roots”

In addition to his olive oil production, Patrick Bruel’s ambition is to pass on the LEOS estate to his two sons. I managed to find this magnificent estate which I have grown over the years, my children have grown up at the same time”he specified on RTL.

And to continue: “I know these are their roots, I want them to have French roots, I want them to know where they are, to have their feet in the land. They are studying in the United States for the moment , but France is our country, France is our anchor. It is a country that I love deeply, to which I owe everything and I am happy to honor it as best I can.” A beautiful project.


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