his children jostle and come to blows in a TikTok video that has gone viral!

Time flies by when you have children… And Mariah Carey knows that! Mother of twins, Monroe and Moroccan, born in 2011 from her union with comedian and host Nick Canon, the latter juggles between her life as a mom and her career as a singer!

A frantic pace of life that is not always easy to follow… Especially with pre-teens who are constantly bickering! The proof, on Sunday July 10, 2022, via her Instagram feed, the diva shared a TikTok video of her children parading… When suddenly, they start fighting to steal the show from the other!

A little fight that Mariah Carey is quick to interrupt by immediately getting up from her chair to scold her children… A completely crazy publication that the interpreter of “Touch My Body” captioned as follows: “No children were harmed during the filming of this video.”

A buzzing video

Viewed over a million times in just 24 hours, this video quickly went viral once it was posted! “I expected everything, except the fight at the end”, “Why post a video where his children are fighting… I don’t find it funny! “, “My children also often bicker, courage Mariah”, “Your children have grown so much, they must be taught to manage conflicts differently…”can we read on the Web…

See also: Mariah Carey: Best of her stage performances:

Lisa Ziane

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