his children announce his death

“On my tombstone, we will inscribe: ‘Thank you, ma’am’”” he joked in the columns of World, in 2017.
The actor Guy Marchand left us at the age of 86, as his children, Jules and Ludivine, the fruits of his love affair with Béatrice Chatelier, announced to AFP on December 15, 2023. He “s died peacefully this Friday” at the Cavaillon hospital (Vaucluse), and had a house nearby, in Mollégès.

An actor and singer

During his career, between cinema, television and song, he had made more than 150 films and won a César (best supporting actor) in 1982, for “Jail“. Seen recently in the popular series “Ten percent”, where he played his own role, the one who was the face of “Nestor Burma” on the small screen, gave the answer to the biggest.

He played notably with Lino Ventura and Brigitte Bardot, in “Boulevard du rhum” (1971), with Jean-Louis Trintignant in “Le Voyage de noces” (1976), with Yves Montand in “Le Grand Escogriffe” (1976), with Philippe Noiret in “Coup de ragon”, (1981) or with Jane Birkin and Jacques Dutronc in “Rends-moi la clef” (1981). More recently, we saw him in “Dans Paris”, (2006) with Louis Garrel.

His trace in history

On the song side, he is the legendary performer of the cult song “Destinée”, the soundtrack of the films “The Under-Gifted on Vacation” And “Santa Clause is garbage”. Many fans followed his character of smart and everywhere detective Nestor Burma (first in the cinema in 1981 and then on television, 10 years later). Created by Léo Malet, it fit him like a glove and Guy Marchand played him for more than twenty years, until 2003.


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