“his brain is in the fridges of the forensic institute”

A few weeks after the Alexandra Pizzagali flop in Telematin, in her first chronicle which was meant to be humorous about the Nice attack, the trial of which then opened, on October 10, Julia Vignali received the father of a victim, on her set. Thomas Sotto’s colleague gave the floor to Thierry Vimal, writer and “father bereaved by the attack of July 14, 2016” who spoke of her fight to recover the organs of her daughter, Amie who was taken away at 12 years old, and this, 6 years after the tragedy…

“His brain is not up there, it is still in the fridges at the forensic institute”

The one who keeps a blog on the trial of the attack, explained to Julia Vignali how on each autopsied body, organs were removed and placed under seal, in case additional analyzes were necessary for the investigation. He lamented that some of the other mourners, like him, discover this when they have not been informed. In particular, he recounts the reaction of a man who learned “at the hearing that 11 or 12 or 13 organs of his mother had not been buried. They collapse people“.

And to declare in front of a horrified Julia Vignali: “It may seem abstract from the organs, it’s bogus”but his daughter, “poor thing, in fact, her brain isn’t up there, it’s still in the fridges at the forensic institute, it’s completely twisted”.

>> See also: Patrick Bruel: these “given places” which almost cost the death of his children!

For her part, the mother of the little girl, too, is fighting. At the trial, reported by AFP, Anne Gourvès indeed declared at the bar: “I am trying to understand how the medico-judicial system could have come to such an absurdity: cutting my 12-year-old daughter into pieces to determine that she died of a polytrauma (…) All that for that. But we already knew that!”

The dizzying list of organs removed from his daughter

In (macabre) detail, his mother discovered in 2018, “with horror a report of the sealing of organs”. She assures: “My daughter’s vital organs were removed and no one told us.“. If the parents’ fight continues today, it is because Anne Gourvès made a request for the restitution of the organs, accompanied by a DNA test (to obtain the brain and dura, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys , cervical block, adrenal glands, spleen) which was refused.


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