his big confession on Macron and Le Pen!

Zazie is back! For several weeks, the artist has been doing interviews to present his new opus Aile-P. The 11ᵉ of his career! As she has repeatedly pointed out, the singer lives only for her passion. And the star is delighted that her audience is always there as soon as she releases a project.

“Do we make music to sell? To live, yeah. subject, I have the impression that they give me the right, for thirty years that it lasts, to continue to be myself”, entrusted the musician to our colleagues from 20 minutes.

The Le Pen clan challenges the star

When Zazie is in the studio, she likes to take her time to record songs that sound like her. It’s out of the question for her to surf without thinking about new trends. “Releasing an album doesn’t mean wanting to sell an album, in fact. I think that more and more I’m going to try to move towards that (letting yourself be free in the disc format and not promoting, editor’s note ). I think it’s not bad to give people the choice, even if we sell less. It’s also a courtesy to have in this world of solicitations, of constant consumption”analyzed the main interested party.

At 58, Zazie strives to stay true to herself… In any circumstance! In the columns of Releasethe interpreter of I am a man agreed to talk politics. On April 10 and 24, 2022, the composer went to the polls. Fearing more than anything “the multiplicity of extremes”, Zazie supported Emmanuel Macron without blinking. But she still says to herself “traumatized by Chirac-Le Pen” of 2002. Few know it, but Zazie is also part of a “collective of eco-responsible artists” and she rolls herself “by electric scooter”. It is said !


to see also: Zazie: her arrival on the set of the “Star Academy”? A complete fiasco!

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