his big blunder in front of Louane and his darling Florian Rossi in full Telethon

Every year since 1987, the Telethon has been broadcast in December on the France Télévisions channels. The charity event organized by the Association française contre les myopathies (AFM) aims to fund research projects on genetic neuromuscular diseases. As tradition dictates, several personalities follow one another on stage for a unique concert.

For the 2021 edition, it is this Friday, December 3 that Nagui and Sophie Davant kicked off, alongside the singer Soprano, sponsor of the show this year. Viewers were also able to see M.Pokora who was also entitled to a nice surprise: Jules, a child he had met last year has arrived: “And he was standing. He was walking 100 steps. I hallucinated. For me, who was there last year, to see the evolution in a year I find that very encouraging. It makes me want to push people to give again this year so that families can see hope again. And there clearly, with Jules and other children, we are full of hope ” said the sweetheart of Christina Milian.

It was then Louane’s turn to sing and if the two presenters multiplied the blunders, Sophie Davant somewhat lost her words in trying to thank the singer while Nagui was downright mistaken on the first name of the singer’s companion. “We can greet Gauthier who is on the guitar” he launched fervently. Astonished, Louane did not hesitate to correct the host: “Florian, on the other hand”.

Always very teasing, Nagui made up for it with a funny but simple justification: “I was earlier with Gauthier for the batteries and the recovery of batteries … I’m really sorry”.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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