his big announcement made on Snapchat

To the delight of her fans, Nabilla has just made her comeback on the small screen. In his show in “docu-reality” format, called “Without filter” available on Amazon Prime Video, the former star of the Angels takes us behind the scenes of her wedding which took place last July but also behind the scenes of her daily life influencer, mom and wife.

Honest and “unfiltered”, the pretty brunette also looks back on that terrible night from November 6 to 7, 2014, during which she stabbed her current husband, Thomas Vergara. Arrested by the police and imprisoned, the young woman who was a columnist in “Touche pas à mon poste” at the time, had ended up in prison before being released under the judicial system on December 18, 2014. Sentenced to six months in prison and Eighteen months suspended, the starlet had the chance not to return behind bars but had to comply with the wearing of the electronic bracelet.

“You go through a square and you lose everything. If you’ve thought about it, you have a second chance and a chance to rebuild everything just for the better. […] And yes, it’s true, in my opinion, it all started from there. It allowed me to evolve, to find the real problem, what was wrong with my life …”Explained the mother of little Milann about this prison stay in the columns of Femme Actuelle.

This Saturday, December 4, 2021, Nabilla announced on Snapchat that she will soon be back in prison. Of course, this is not a real return behind bars but simple visits to bring comfort to the women who are imprisoned there. “For those who watched the report, you know that I want to organize make-up workshops… Where we could talk… Things that could do them good over there ” she explained before adding: In prison there are art lessons, maths, all lessons. We can also work, there is the National Education which passes BAC, Brevets. I passed my college diploma in prison.

It is truly a cause that was close to my heart. I too have been incarcerated, I know what women can feel there, I know how it is and I know what is also missing and what we can improve ” Nabilla launched, showing once again that she has a big heart. “I will be able to go there very soon. I am very excited. And at the same time it makes me a little afraid to go back there but I want to go, talk to these women and try to bring them some happiness”She concluded with pride.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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